Công ty TNHH DM&C | Master Korean jobs
Công ty TNHH DM&C

50-99 người

Mỹ phẩm

Thông tin về công ty

DMNC was established in Korea in 2012 and is developing strongly in China market. With the orientation to expand the scale, DMNC continued to expand into Vietnam market and officially established DM & C Co., Ltd in 2017. In the six years since 2012, DMNC has had extensive experience in manufacturing and distributing cosmetics in both Asia's largest markets, South Korea and China. At present, the target of DMNC is to expand and promote Vietnam's market to grow stronger. With a clear orientation, concrete steps and slowly but surely, besides the strength of understanding about the beauty trends of the market, DMNC will bring the most complete value of beauty.

Việc làm đang tuyển dụng
Địa chỉ công ty

Tầng 10, 194 Golden Building, 473 Điện Biên Phủ, p.25, quận Bình Thạnh,TP HCM

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공유하는 정보: 계정, 이름, 휴대폰 번호, 이메일 주소, 한국어 활용 수준




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