BOCASAY | Master Korean jobs

회사 정보

BOCASAY Group is driven by a strong entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to create a link between people and their environment, we associate humanism with a results-based culture.

Thanks to its independent shareholding stability, the group has been conducting a long-term innovative IT-producing strategy for the past 7 years.

Operating in 3 countries with 120 employees globally (France, Vietnam, Madagascar), BOCASAY Group is now holding strong positions in developing Agile IT solutions.

BOCASAY VIETNAM is a BOCASAY Group company, deliver and implement IT solutions for software publisher and integrator in Fintech, Medical, Insurance, Media and Startup business line.

Working with BOCASAY you’ll have the opportunities to develop your skills and career in an exciting work-place in touch with an international and innovative environment.

채용 진행중
회사 주소

Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi

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공유하는 정보: 계정, 이름, 휴대폰 번호, 이메일 주소, 한국어 활용 수준




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